AMFA Golf Recap 2021
AMFA Golf Recap 2021
Some 75 people gathered under beautiful sunny skies at Mesaba Country Club on August 16, 2021, for the AMFA Educational Trust 23rd annual golf social. Friends and colleagues enjoyed a day of golf and on-course games, networking and awards ceremony, and an outdoor dinner.
The Golf Social netted just under $5,000 of profit this year. AMFA members and friends, hats off to you for your support of this annual fundraiser despite pandemic conditions. You are appreciated!
Proceeds from the golf social are used to support the mission of AMFA Educational Trust: to provide capital and/or grants to K12 projects and programs that encourage youth to consider a career in manufacturing. Funding for shop class equipment, manufacturing field trips, and robotics teams are examples of activities funded by ET dollars in the past. The golf social is one of two significant fund raisers each year; the second is a beer tasting event.
The awards ceremony was emceed by Golf Committee Chair Todd Hanson (Productivity, Inc.) and AMFA President Wade Karnes (Cast & Color/Zakobe LLC).
Cash prizes were awarded to the following teams:
1st Place (score 60): Team IASC Next
2nd Place (score 60): Team GPM
3rd Place (score 61): Team Productivity, Inc.
Had the most fun! Team Epicurean
AMFA presented cash awards to the winners of four proximity contests:
Longest Drive Men Todd Hanson
Longest Drive Women Diane Vertin
Longest Putt Bob Johansen
Closest to the Pin Dale Larson
Thank you to all event sponsors, with a shout-out to Bluejacket Career Academies for hosting a game at their hole. CyberHawks FTC robotics team provided an intriguing demo of a robot competition. Enbridge provided a sleeve of golf balls for all in attendance, and Halron Lubricants donated swag for the raffle. Thank you for going above and beyond!
The annual golf social is successful thanks to significant volunteer involvement, including 2021 committee members Todd Hanson (Productivity, Inc.) and Mary Brandt (Advanced Minnesota).
Planning for the 2022 Golf Fundraiser will begin this winter. If you have interest in contributing to the success of this event – please get involved! Contact any board member or contact Sandy Kashmark at the AMFA office 800.654.5773 or